Former President of the Commonwealth Hall Junior Common Room, Paul Inkoom has revealed that his legal team is working assiduously to respond appropriately to sanctions meted out to him by the University of Ghana disciplinary board.
Paul Inkoom and three of his JCR executives were charged with knowingly or maliciously bringing a false charge against any member of the University, Wilfully causing damage to University property or the good name of the university and incite others to cause such damage, and Publishing defamatory material on the campus and were suspended for three academic years.
Speaking to an Accra based Radio Station, the Former JCR President of Commonwealth hall said his legal representatives are analyzing the sanction from the University before he will decide his next line of action.
We are still considering the next action to take maybe hopefully within the week, we’d know what to do
We have legal people going through everything.
He added that the JCR meeting held on August 18 and 19, 2022, were mandated by the Commonwealth hall JCR constitution thus his executives did not err by organizing the meeting.
It was just a JCR meeting and our constitution allows us to have a meeting at any point in time like a general meeting so that was what happened. For what ever happened during those periods our lawyers are making final consultations.
According to a press release from the University signed by the Registrar, Mrs. Emelia Agyei-Memsah, the four JCR executives allowed some members of the hall to use slanderous publications which the university describes as false, reckless, and defamatory on some Senior Officers of the University on 18th and 19th of August, 2022.
The Legal counsel for the hall , Frank Asare who was discharged and acquitted after he was found not guilty of all charges in an interview with Univers News said there’s a need for measures to be taken to make the University statutes and regulations known to the student’s body.
I think the media as a whole and every one of us need to make sure that students get acquainted with the the statues and regulations in the University so you wouldn’t say you were ignorant. it’s no justification.
Story by Gideon Nicholas Day |,gh