Head of the University of Ghana Students Financial Aid Office, Selina Saka, has revealed that her outfit is putting measures in place to improve scholarship and loan application processes for needy students wtihin the University.
Students have raised concerns of the tiresome processes and workload they have to go through to submit letters for scholarship and loan considerations.
However, speaking on Campus Exclusive on January, 23, 2023, Selina Saka said the Students Financial Aid Office has began processes to conduct a survey on how to better the scholarship application process.
“We are just in the process of doing a survey to find ways of improving the application process, you’d agree with me that for every competitive process, you need to be rigorous, otherwise it would be very difficult to accommodate all the applications received”, She said.
She also urged students facing financial challenges to take advantage of the numerous scholarship opening available to them.
“We have a number of scholarships that run that cater to the needs of brilliant but needy students… Yes we have some scholarships that are not very brilliant focused okay, but they are not as competitive As the needy but brilliant ones. So we are calling on students to apply “.
The Students Financial Aid Office (SFAO) was necessitated by the increasing number of applications and requests from students for financial assistance. Established in August 2005 the University of Ghana sees the operation of the SFAO as strategic and an integral part of its programmes as it enables needy but bright students to access university education.
Financial aid is available to Ghanaian students and is intended to remove the cost barriers that may prevent one from pursuing one’s educational goals
The application process for financial aid for continuing students commences in November of each year. The awards are made by the end of the second semester, to be utilized in the following academic year.
Click here to visit their website: Students Financial Aid Office Website
Story by : Gideon Nicholas Day & Cindy Humade | univers.ug.edu.gh