Some students at the University of Ghana have complained about the compliance of drivers with Zebra crossing on campus.
Taking a close look at the usage of Zebra crossings at the University of Ghana campus, where the welfare of students comes first, several students and drivers on campus shared their perspectives on its effectiveness on campus.
Zebra crossing was first implemented on October 31st, 1951 in the United Kingdom as a solution to make crossing on the road safer for pedestrians.
The Zebra Cross is an area of road marked with broad and alternate black and white stripes, where vehicles must stop if pedestrians wish to cross. The zebra lines warn drivers that there may be pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross the road and also caution drivers to give way for pedestrians at the crossing.
Speaking to Univers News, students conveyed their belief of certain drivers deliberately neglect pedestrians on the crossway.
“On campus, most especially the commercial drivers, they do not observe the rules of the Zebra crossing and some of our colleagues who are drivers too love to speed even on the Zebra crossing.”
Some students however added that their colleagues most often abuse the significance of the zebra crossing, hence deterring drivers from stopping on the toad as required.
“Some students take advantage of the Zebra cross, showing little concern for the waiting cars. And for some students, because they stop for them, they walk at a slow pace, which is why some drivers don’t stop for students on the crossway.”
On the contrary, some drivers on campus explained that they religiously obey the rules of the Zebra Cross and sometimes ignore students on the crossway due to their perceived reluctance and reckless behavior on the road. They further cautioned students to be disciplined and considerate whilst crossing the road.
“Zebra crossing is effective on campus, from the driver’s perspective. When we get to the Zebra Crossing, we slow down for students. And on the side of students, because it is a zebra crossing, they walk in a relaxed manner; they are not prompt when crossing the road and that is very bad. We would like pedestrians to reasonably use the zebra crossing.”
Story by | Mabel Antwi |