Use setbacks as opportunities to develop resilience, adaptability in career path – Taragone Edge Ltd.

Radio Univers
Radio Univers
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Lead Consultant at Taragone Edge Limited, Dr. Genevive Duncan has urged the youth to use setbacks and challenges in their career paths as avenues for developing resilience and adaptability.

Speaking at a forum held by the University of Ghana Economics Students’ Society (UGESS), as part of its annual week celebration, the consultant highlighted the need to cultivate a positivity mindset when practising economics.

According to her, a rigid mindset in career journeys may not always be assuring; individuals are to use setbacks as opportunities to develop adaptability and resilience.

“Everyone, everywhere at any time can achieve what they want if only they put their mind to it. Economics may be a daunting task to pursue yet it is attainable, since nothing worth having is easy to come by.”

“Many people have rigid thoughts in alignment with their career path. They feel what they start with may always be what they end with. Life may throw us curve balls, but it is an opportunity to develop resilience and adapt to new circumstances. I, for one, started with science dreaming of becoming a pediatrician but [I am] currently a business entrepreneur.”

Dr. Genevive also pointed out how theoretical knowledge on economics gained in schools often provides a foundation for understanding the concepts and principles; she noted however, that the real world can be far more complex and unpredictable than expected.

“What happens in a class is not the actuality on grounds with regards to the job. Try to indulge in the practical field as early as possible so it is not presented to you as a shock when faced with it. This is what usually result in people finding economics difficult as the classroom work may sometimes differ from the reality. This would help you appreciate and embrace the discipline to the latter.”

In concluding, the expert asked for the embracement of economics as a social discipline beyond being an academic field, considering its great impact on the society as a whole.

“Economics is not just a mere academic framework which one must chew and pour, pass and forget, but rather a good [social] discipline which when learnt has the ability to change the economic status of the country.”

Story by: JisLord Naaa Ablorh |

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