UG: Students left disgruntled over promised SRC fun trip turned church event

Radio Univers
Radio Univers
3 Min Read

Students at the University of Ghana have been left disgruntled by the Student’s Representative Council (SRC) after an organized fun trip turned into an unexpected ‘church event’.

The ‘Fun Trip’ which was to take place at the Borteyman Stadium Sports Complex on June 1st, 2024 was advertised by the SRC as a fun-filled day with activities including a tour of the venue, a photo booth, music, talent shows, and even a leadership symposium. The package also included free food and transport. But to the surprise of the participants, these promised activities took a different turn.

Instead, the students were unexpectedly taken to a ‘church event’, as sources called it, a stark contrast to what they signed up for. This unexpected change in plans left many participants feeling disgruntled, questioning the UGSRC’s honesty.

In videos posted on social media, the overall mood on the bus intended for the fun trip exuded disappointment and frustration with the UGSRC’s misleading information, sparking discussions among students about transparency and accountability within the UGSRC.

“I’m very disappointed in this [Tsikata] administration. They told us that we’re having a fun trip at Borteyman Sports Stadium,” one student expressed.

“I’m a Muslim, I cannot be attending [a church event] like this where they are preaching,” a student expressed frustration on religious clash.

The UGSRC however promptly followed up with a communique shortly after apologizing for the unintended religious elements included in the fun trip, taking full responsibility for the cause of the upheaval.

“We want to emphasize that the SRC respects the religious beliefs of all students, and we would never knowingly do anything that would go against the will of our students, Muslims, or any other religious group. We value diversity and inclusivity, and we believe that everyone should feel welcome and respected at our events.”

They explained in their publication that one of the three speakers for their leadership seminar session was a pastor from CEYC and his incorporation of religious content in the event took them by surprise as well.

They emphasized their respect for students’ religious beliefs, as well as diversity and inclusion and their resolute mandate to not go contrary, further apologizing and expressing appreciation for the understanding and support of students regarding the matter.

Story by: Joshua Acquah Addo |

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