UG: Kwapong Hall cancels JCR election

Deborah Yakohene
Deborah Yakohene
2 Min Read

The Electoral Commission of the Junior Common Room (JCR) for the Alexander Adum Kwapong Hall has announced the cancellation of its JCR elections which was scheduled to take place today.

This news was revealed in a statement which was released today by the hall’s JCR EC.

According to the EC, the directive to cancel the elections was given by the Dean of Student Affairs for unspecified reasons.

The EC has apologised for the inconveniences caused by the cancellation and are appealing to the hall residents to cooperate with the directive.

They are assuring the residents that new developments concerning the matter will be communicated to them in due time.

“We would like to inform you that the elections have been cancelled as instructed by the Dean of
Student Affairs. We understand that this decision was made in the best interest of the community,
and we respect the decision taken. We will keep you informed of any new developments regarding the
elections. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time, and we hope that you will continue to support us as we work towards making our community a better place for all.”

Below is the Kwapong Hall JCR EC statement.

The election cancellation also follows the disqualification of an Accra City Campus JCR candidate by the EC following the suggestion of the Dean of Student Affairs in is qualification for candidacy. He was disqualfied on the basis that of his status as a student from the Accra City Campus. It was advised that nominations for JCR candidacy was reopened and the Kwapong JCR EC was subsequently suspended.

Below is the Dean of Student Affairs’ letter.

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