A man aged 37 has passed away in South Africa due to mpox, marking the country’s first recorded death from the viral infection.
In the last month, five cases of the infection have been confirmed in laboratories. The health minister announced this news on Wednesday and stated that four other individuals are currently undergoing treatment. T
he man died at Tembisa Hospital on Monday, as confirmed by Health Minister Joe Phaahla during a press conference. The minister also mentioned that all cases involve males aged 30-39 who have not traveled to countries experiencing an outbreak, indicating local transmission of the disease in South Africa.
Mpox is transmitted through close contact and leads to flu-like symptoms and pus-filled lesions, with the potential to be fatal. In South Africa, all mpox cases involve men aged 30-39 without travel history to outbreak countries, suggesting local transmission of the disease.
The minister further stated that one patient has been discharged, one is under home isolation, and two are still hospitalized. While the WHO has not advised travel restrictions, it is crucial for travelers to and from affected countries to notify health officials in order to receive guidance on case detection and management.