SHS Prospectus should be uploaded on GES portal – Educationist

Nana Kwegyirba Koomson
Nana Kwegyirba Koomson
3 Min Read

Educationist Nii Armah Addy has suggested the uploading of the senior high school prospectus on the Ghana Education Service portal.

His suggestion was in response to the Ghana Education Service (GES) warning Heads of Senior High Schools in a statement to desist from the issuance of unapproved prospectus, selling of free items supplied by the government in schools and sales of items on the prospectus.

The statement was addressing parents’ complaints about unapproved fees levied by school administrators and demands of items not approved in the prospectus for new students.

In the statement, GES revealed that investigations were underway on the issues as heads of schools were cautioned to adhere to the “approved harmonised prospectus” to avoid facing severe sanctions.

Speaking to Univers News, Educationist Nii Armah Addy suggested the prospectus to be uploaded on the Ghana Education Service portal to aid the Education Service to monitor and control what parents need to provide for their wards as required.

”To say that there are things that are put in some prospectus which are not supposed to be there, I mean this can be resolved and that is when we talk about IT enabled education, that is the problem to be solved. So on the GES portal, you should be able to upload the prospectus there if GES has a very well functioning portal. So that government will have control over what parents are supposed to buy if they cannot trust the heads of schools,” he said.

Nii Armah Addy also criticized the sale of items provided by government to be given freely to students on campus. He however noted that there may be genuine reasons for which schools sold some items because parents could not purchase them in the markets.

”’In the absence of that, you can say that it is wrong for any school to [sell free government-provided items] and also you want to find out why those additional items are there. Probably, the need for those peculiar things is for [some] specific schools because different schools [based on the environment] require different [items] to make students comfortable.”

Read the statement below.


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