Balance traditional teaching methods with AI – KNUST Lecturer urges educators

Gideon Nicholas Day
Gideon Nicholas Day
5 Min Read

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Dr Eliel Keelson has emphasized the importance of finding a harmonious balance between traditional teaching methods and the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education.

In a thought-provoking address at the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences (GAAS) Public Forum, on the topic of the impact of modern technology and AI on education delivery, Dr Keelson urged educators to be mindful of the types of assessments and fieldwork they assign to students. He emphasized the need to strike a balance and avoid over-reliance on AI in performing academic tasks.

“Striking a balance between technology, the use of technology and human connection is crucial the field of education educators must recognize that students. We cannot have holistic development of students without human content. The use of technology and human connection is crucial in the field of education. It is vital to the significance of face-to-face interactions and social, and emotional learning in fostering the holistic development of students.  So considering the capabilities of generating AI tools, educators need to be more mindful of the types of assessments and the learning experiences that learners are exposed to. Encouraging collaborative. Projects, discussions, and group activities that promote interaction and creativity can help maintain the human connection within the learning process. By embracing technology in AI as valuable tools while upholding the importance of human connection, educators can actually navigate these challenges that we’ve just described.”Dr Keelson highlighted during his address.

Recognizing the potential pitfalls of excessive reliance on AI, Dr Keelson stressed the importance of fostering human-centred learning experiences. He advocated for collaborative work and discussions, which can help develop students’ cognitive skills and enable them to think critically.

Dr Keelson further called for comprehensive digital literacy training for educators. He emphasized the significance of equipping teachers with the necessary skills to utilize the various features offered by modern technological devices and software.

“While some educators have gained some basic literacy negative literacy skills, especially during the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a significant difference between knowing how to use a tool and knowing how to use that tool to teach effectively. Merely using that tool for content delivery without happenings to its potential for innovative pedagogy, limits its impact on students learning. Study statistics, for example, indicate that many educators used tools such as  Zoom We Google Meet and other learning management systems as a means of just transmitting content to students. It was very much in one. More like a one-way communication channel where basically the instructors were more or less like the sage on the stage and not necessarily a guide on the side. It does not take into consideration the various pedagogical methods that these tools actually afford them. For example, platforms like Zoom offer breakout rooms to allow for collaborative learning, allow for polling to achieve some student or learner feedback, but also allow for private conversations, even between students and educators. All these features allow for pedagogical methods which are more immersive and engaging. To address this challenge, comprehensive feature training programs should be implemented focusing on digital literacy technological integration. Innovative instructional strategies.”

This year’s GAAS Public Forum is focused on the impact of artificial intelligence on education and how these technologies can be adopted to improve teaching and learning in Ghana.

It is a 3-day event which began yesterday, June 5, 2023 and is expected to end on June 8, 2023.

Story by Gideon Nicholas Day |

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