UG Decides ’24: Students praise Appeals Board decision to restore disqualified SRC candidates

Radio Univers
Radio Univers
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Some students at the University of Ghana are of the view that the reinstatement of Emmanuel Owusu Amponsah and Maradona Adjei Yeboah back into the UGSRC elections is a positive step towards ensuring a fair electoral process.

This follows the Appeals Board’s ruling to reinstate previously disqualified UGSRC presidential candidates and their running mates, Emmanuel Owusu Amponsah “Manuel Life” and Maradona Adjei Yeboah “Guru,” which has been met with both support and concern among the student body.

Univers News interviewed some students at the University of Ghana who voiced out their diverse opinions on the reinstatement.

“The decision appears to be fair because student status, rather than residency, is the key qualification for eligibility. Excluding candidates based on non-resident status would be unjustified, as being a student grants them the right to run for the position. The judgment upholds equal opportunity for all students, regardless of their residency status.”

“The situation seemed questionable, and it was unfair that non-residents were excluded, even though they are also part of the school community. It is unclear why the court’s appeals were opposed in this case.”

“Even though non-resident students pay the same fees and are still part of the school community, they were excluded from participating in the SRC elections. “

“It seemed unfair, as all students, regardless of residency status, should have had the opportunity to be involved in student government. Excluding non-residents from running for SRC positions did not seem justified, as they were still enrolled students contributing to the school.”

“The introduction of a mystery judge at the last minute seemed highly questionable. The SRC EC and judicial board appeared to have a connection or shared interest in the election outcome, and likely brought in the extra judge to influence the results in their favor. However, when the decision was appealed, the original candidates were reinstated, suggesting the last-minute judge’s involvement was suspicious.”

“Frankly, I think the disqualification was not fair at all. Even if there was a provision in the constitution that a non-resident was not supposed to run for SRC President, they should have spelled it out from the onset. It seems unfair to wait until the eleventh hour, when the elections were about to take place, and then bring up this rule. The candidates should have been made aware of the residency requirement from the beginning, rather than having it sprung on them at the last minute.”

Story by: Promise Yaa Dakey |

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