Japan’s Prime Minister commends NMIMR over work on COVID-19

Radio Univers
Radio Univers
2 Min Read

Prime minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida has commended the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research ( NMIMR), on their role in providing swift health response during the COVID-⁠19 pandemic.

He made these remarks during his official tour of the institute on May 1st, 2023. The tour was part of the Prime Minister’s two-day official visit to Ghana as part of efforts to strengthen ties between Ghana and Japan.

After meeting a delegation of high profiled researchers from the University of Ghana, the Prime Minister commended the institute for its contribution in the research of COVD-19 across West Africa.

“How the institute is responding to the COVID-⁠19, I understand that the institute contributed not only to Ghana, but also the West Africa region. And for that achievement, I would like to pay my sincere respect.”

The Prime Minister went on to announce Japan’s desire to collaborate with the NMIMR.

According to him, the collaboration is aimed at promoting universal health coverage to control the impact of some tropical diseases in Africa.

“[People] are still losing their lives in Africa due to various tropical diseases such as malaria. In order to promote the universal health coverage, Japan would like to contribute to counter infectious disease measures in collaboration with the Noguchi Institute, which is a major medical research hub in West Africa.”

Story by | Brian Herman Kofi Bebli-Dussey| univers.ug.edu.gh 

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