UG: I will help promote mental health of ladies on campus – Volta Hall JCR Gen. Sec. candidate

Frederick Kunzote-Ani
Frederick Kunzote-Ani
3 Min Read

General Secretary Candidate of the Volta Hall Junior Common Room (JCR), Jessica Tiwah Safo has challenged herself to deal with issues of mental health among ladies.

Speaking during the Presidential Debate on Campus Exclusive, she explained that most ladies go through a lot of mental health and its related issues without opening up. This according to her is due to many hormonal changes that ladies experience.

“With the mental health advocacy, it’s kind of a rapid issue at the moment because one way or the other we ladies especially due to hormonal changes and the kind of things that go on in our body, we really go through this mental health issues and we can’t get people to open up to.”

Jessica further announced that a collaboration with the University of Ghana Careers and Counseling Center and other mental health organizations to promote mental health of young women.

“So, in collaboration with Careers and Counseling Center and other organizations that are into so much of mental health advocacy, we will be able to get these ladies on board and not just the girls in the hall but then outside the hall to actually help them with things they are going through and they can’t open up. Some of them are timid and it all forms part of my mental health advocacy and awareness policy.”

On the upcoming JCR elections at Volta Hall, Jessica Tiwah described herself as a good team leader, a good communicator and hopes to win the seat against her opponent.

“I am a good communicator, a good team leader with a lot of integrity which every leader should possess and I believe these skills will make me win.”

Residents of the Volta Hall Junior Common Room are expected to go to the polls on Friday June, 23rd, 2023 from 8 am to 5 pm to elect new crops of executive. The election is expected to held online with support from the University of Ghana Computing System (UGCS).

Eight candidates are contesting for the Presidential, Vice Presidential, General Secretary, Organizing Secretary and Electoral Commissioner positions.

Story by | Frederick Kunzote-Ani  | 

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