Ghanaian Chef Ebenezer Smith apologizes for Guinness World Records scam

Radio Univers
Radio Univers
2 Min Read

Ghanaian chef Ebenezer Smith has apologized for the controversy surrounding his claims about setting a new Guinness World Records (GWR) for the longest cooking marathon.

In an interview with the media, Smith expressed deep remorse and asked for forgiveness from the nation.

During the press conference on July 2, Chef Smith presented a certificate as proof of his record-breaking feat. However, Guinness World Records (GWR) has since clarified that they were not aware of his attempt and had not confirmed his achievement.

The suspicion surrounding the authenticity of Chef Smith’s certificate and the lack of official confirmation from GWR sparked widespread discussions in the media and on social media. In a recent interview, the chef expressed deep remorse and pleaded for forgiveness from the nation.

“I render a very big apology on this platform and I apologise to the world that I am so sorry. I am sorry, I beg the entire nation to forgive me,”

The initial reports also mentioned that Chef Smith had been arrested by individuals who allegedly sponsored the event. However, the chef did not provide any further details on this matter during the interview.

The Guinness World Records had clarified that they were not notified of Chef Smith’s attempt and had not received any videos of the supposed cooking for 802 hours and 25 minutes, which he had claimed to have achieved.

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