Mahama unveils plans to revitalize Ghana’s Creative Arts industry

Radio Univers
Radio Univers
4 Min Read

Presidential candidate for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama has laid out an extensive set of policies to revive Ghana’s creative industry if he wins the 2024 election.

Speaking at a policy dialogue with stakeholders from the creative arts industry at a hotel in Accra on Friday, 7 June 2024, Mahama highlighted the sector’s potential to create millions of jobs and elevate Ghanaian talent.

He recognised the disparity between the success of creatives in other parts of the world and their counterparts in Ghana, emphasising the need for strategic support to unlock the industry’s full potential.

“The creative arts is a very important industry and has the potential to create millions of jobs. All our young people who are sitting at home, many of them are talented but there are no opportunities for them to show their talents. So if we are able to put the creative industry on a sound footing, it will create opportunities for many of our young people,”

Here are the key policies Mahama intends to implement for the creative economy:

  • Budgetary Allocation for Creative Arts: Ensure dedicated funding to support the industry.
  • Golden Age of Culture, Arts, and Tourism: Launch an overarching policy with initiatives like the BlackStar Experience to promote job creation and African cultural pride.
  • Renovate Centres of Arts and Culture: Upgrade facilities in various regions to support local talent.
  • Streamline Copyright Modalities and IP Laws: Protect intellectual property and ensure fair use.
  • Film Festivals: Host events to showcase Ghanaian films.
  • Arts Exhibitions, Music Shows, and Fashion Programmes: Organise diverse events to promote creative work.
  • Support for Drama and Theatre Arts: Provide resources for playwrights and theatre productions.
  • International Trade Fair Participation: Enable creatives to showcase their work globally.
  • Establish a Film Village: Provide low-cost equipment and facilities for filmmakers.
  • Rehabilitate the National Theatre in Accra and Build Another in Kumasi: Enhance infrastructure for performing arts.
  • Special Event Channel for Creative Arts on DTT: Create a pay-per-view platform to generate revenue.
  • Special Rates for Performances at Government Venues: Make venues more accessible for artists.
  • Incorporate Music and Arts into the Curriculum: Train teachers and integrate arts education in schools.
  • Tax Breaks for Artists with TINs: Provide financial incentives for registered creatives.
  • Fund for Ageing Artistes: Support veteran artists in need.
  • Revive the National Festival of Arts and Culture (NAFAC): Celebrate Ghanaian culture and heritage.
  • Develop Tourist Sites with the Private Sector: Boost tourism through improved attractions.
  • Revive the Marine Drive Project: Enhance coastal development for tourism.
  • Provide Amusement Parks: Create recreational spaces for families and tourists.
  • Review the Tourism Fund: Ensure it benefits all stakeholders in the tourism value chain.
  • Build a New City on the Banks of the Volta Region: Develop facilities to stimulate arts activities and tourism.
  • Annual Stakeholders Dialogue: Foster ongoing communication with the creative community

    Story by: Cindy Selasi Humade | 

SOURCES: Pulse Ghana
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