The University Students Association of Ghana has announced that investigations will begin on the embezzlement allegations against its President, Dr. Christian Ntsiful Anderson.
This was disseminated in a communique released by the association on 8th September, 2023.
The statement was intended to address matters arising in the association, specifically on issues regarding embezzlement allegations on their President, Dr. Christian Ntsiful Anderson.
The association initially recognized the allegations against the President, listing his supposed misdeeds with emphasis on the opposition to the Constitution’s requirements.
“…Dr. Christian Ntsiful Anderson, is alleged to have been involved in financial improprieties, including the unlawful collection of funds, unauthorized disbursement of the funds, hoarding of association funds and absconding with these funds.
“To add salt to injury, the President unlawfully instructed his sister (relative who is not an executive) to collect dues and capitation paid by member institution at congress grounds. This is a breach of ARTICLE 33,clause 2(a). The flippant disregard for the USAG constitution by the president is extremely alarming.”
It was also revealed that the President had been unresponsive to questions and calls concerning the allegations that were placed on him, implying failure to take accountability of the issues at hand.
“Furthermore, the President, Dr. Christian Ntsiful Anderson has not been forthcoming with the entire executive body concerning the finances of the entire administration and the just ended congress in any official meeting whatsoever. Efforts to reach the president has proven futile as hehas deliberately refused to respond to calls. He has eluded meeting with the entire executive body since after congress ended.”
“The Treasurer of the association Mr. Adu Gyamfi Desmond has confirmed that there has been no accountability rendered by the President to his office as enshrined in the USAG constitution ARTICLE 31, clause 2 and 3 which states the Treasurer SHALL:
(2) Keep fair and accurate records of all financial transactions of USAG. (3) Be a signatory to any authorization for the disbursement of thre funds of USAG.”
The association concluded by announcing that an investigation will be held on the matter through collaboration with the Ghana Police Service.
An assurance was given that updates concerning the issues will be relayed as soon as possible.
“In light of the allegations against the President, we have initiated an internal investigation to ascertain the extent of the financial discrepancies and any potential wrongdoing. We will also be collaborating closely with the Ghana Police Service to ensure a thorough and impartial inquiry into this matter.
“The USAG National Executive Officers (NEO) is actively monitoring the situation and will take appropriate actions in line with our constitution and the law. We understand the concers and anxieties this incident may raise among our members institution and the public. Rest assured, we are fully commited to condueting a fair and thorough investigation, and we will provide updates as more information becomes available.”
Meanwhile, USAG has recently held its 22nd Congress where a new generation of leadership have been elected to lead the association.
The newly elected leadership will include Patrick Kusi Adu as President, Wellington Antoinette as General Secretary and Nafisatu Fonda as the new Women’s commissioner.
Here is the full statement.